Transnational Perspectives

Many key issues affecting RABA Group members are decided at a transnational level, and it makes sense that smaller UK airports make common cause with their peer airports elsewhere in Europe.  At an EU level State Aid, aviation/airport safety and security regulations, route development funds, and slot and PSO regulations are all of keen interest to RABA Group members.

RABA is open to strengthening contacts with:

  • The regional airports sub-group of the Union des Aeroports Francais and Alfa-ACI (France)

  • The regional airports of the Republic of Ireland

  • The Danish (including the Faroes and Greenland), Icelandic, Swedish and other Scandinavian regional airports groups (i.e. Swedavia, Finavia, Avinor and Isavia)

  • The regional airports of Croatia, and various others in the Baltic region

  • Small regional Airports in other parts of Europe

Many of these airports have analogous challenges and the potential may exist, therefore, to collaborate with these airports on issues of common cause.

There are also relevant aviation associations who might also be approached where co-operation makes sense.

Current key issues of common interest might encompass:

  • achieving certified SGEI status for some smaller airports

  • responding to and securing future influence on the EU aviation competitiveness package

  • contributing to the DG-COMP midway review of the 10 year phasing out of state aid to airports less than 5 mppa

  • and ensuring that any new slot regulation, ground-handling and safety regulations and the UK interpretation of PSO policy are favourable to members’ needs. 

However based upon hard won experience it is recognised that international collaborations need significant coordination effort and patience and will only be pursued organically and within our limited resource.  However approaches from overseas airports who identify with our work is welcomed, and ‘associate’ membership will be considered.